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Date of publication of the official original valid standard 28.07.2009
The Chihuahua is regarded as the smallest pedigree dog in the world and carries the name of the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua). One assumes that these dogs used to live in the wild and, at the time of the Toltec civilization, were captured and domesticated by the natives. Representations of a Toy dog called « Techichi » which lived in Tula, were used as decorations on town architecture. These statues are very similar to the present day Chihuahua.
This dog has a compact body. Of great importance is the fact that his skull is apple-shaped and that he carries his moderately long tail very high, either curved or forming the shape of a semicircle with the tip pointing towards the loin region.
Length of body slightly greater than height at withers. Desired, however, is an almost square body, especially in males. In bitches, because of the function of reproduction, a slightly longer body is permitted.
Quick, alert, lively and very courageous.
- Cranial Region:
Upper profile: slightly arched. Length: Medium. Shape: Thicker in dogs than in bitches.
Skin: Without dewlap. In the long-haired variety, the presence of a neck-ruff with longer hair is highly desirable.
Compact and well built.
Set on high, flat in appearance, of moderate length; broad at root, tapering gradually towards the tip. Tail carriage is an important characteristic of the breed : when the dog is moving it is carried either high in a curve or in a semicircle with tip towards the loin region, which gives balance to the body, it should never be carried between the hindlegs nor curled below the backline. The hair on the tail depends on the variety and is in harmony with the body coat. In the long haired variety, the tail coat forms a plume. Tail is pendant in repose and forms a slight hook.
General appearance: Forelegs seen from the front form a straight line with the elbows. Seen from the side, they are upright.
General appearance: Hindlegs well muscled with long bones, vertical and parallel to each other with good angulation at hip, knee and hock joints, in harmony with angulation of forequarters.
Steps are long, springy, energetic and active with good reach and drive. Seen from rear, hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the footprints of the hind feet fit directly into those of the front feet. With increasing speed, the limbs show a tendency to converge towards the median plane (single track). Movement remains free and springy without visible effort, head raised and back firm.
Smooth and elastic all over body.
HAIR: In this breed there are two varieties of coat.
All colours in all possible shades and combinations are admitted, except merle colour.
In this breed only the weight is taken into consideration, not the height.
Weight: Ideal weight: between 1.5 and 3 kgs. Weight between 500 gr. and 1.5 kgs tolerated.
Subjects weighing less than 500 gr and more than 3 kg shall be disqualified.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
» Narrow skull.
» Aggressive or overly shy. |
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